New & Returning Club Applications - Fall 2024
New & Returning Club Applications - Fall 2024
New & Returning Club Applications - Fall 2024
Are you interested in starting a new club or continuing an existing club? The Fall 2024 Club Application is linked above and below. There is an optional informational meeting on Wednesday, August 28th at lunch in Cougar Hall. Club Commissioners will be available to answer any questions that you have. The completed application (with teacher advisor signature) is due to the Activities window by next Wednesday, September 4th. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Bryant at
Club Name | Teacher Advisor | Remind Code |
9271 Cyber Porpoises | Mr. Eves | @dccb9271 |
Abrahamic Faith Education Club | Ms. Fackler | @capoafec |
American Red Cross Association | Mr. Schepens | @arca23-24 |
Architecture Club | Mrs. Wilbur | @6hbdg6g |
ATMS Club | Mr. Kearsley | @atms club |
AVID Club | Ms. Shinavar | @cvhsavid24 |
Basketball for All OC | Ms. Fleener | @cvhsbball1 |
Beach Clean Up Club | Mr. Miller | @capoccc |
Beach Volleyball | Ms. Ghulam | @capobeach |
Beads of Joy | Ms. Fleener | @beadsofj |
Best Buddies | Mr. Derry | @24bestbuds |
Board Game Club | Mr. Dubois | @cvhsboard |
Cactus Jack Club | Ms. Herbert | @cvhsrap |
California Scholarship Federation | Mrs. Harrington | |
Capo Origami Guild | Mr. Landino | @cvorigami |
Capo Valley Interact Club | Mrs. Lee | @cvhsiact |
Capo Valley Records | Ms. Girard | @cvhsrecord |
Cards For Hospitalized Kids | Ms. Herbert | @cvhscards |
Chamber Music Appreciation Club | Mr. Waldukat | @capocham |
Chinese Games Club | Ms. Komine | @asianboa |
Club Culturel | Ms. Khalil | @culturel24 |
Comedy Sports | Mr. Miller | |
Computer Science Club | Ms. Kubba | @capocs23 |
Crocs Club | Ms. Roach | @crocs-club |
Cure Quest | Mrs. Brincks | @cvhscq |
CVHS Cars and Coffee | Ms. Brinks | @cvhscars |
CVHS Character Club | Mr. Manzotti | @cvcc2324 |
CVHS Chess Club | Mrs. Harrington | @cvhschessc |
CVHS Debate Club | Cole Miller | @cvdebate24 |
CVHS Empowerment Initiative | Mrs. Brincks | @cvhsei |
CVHS Gardening | Mr. Beall | @capogarden |
CVHS Laura's House | Ms. Johnson | @cvhslhs |
CVHS Music Production | Mr. Miller | @cvhsmusicproduction |
CVHS Paintball | Mr. Benedix | @capopb |
CVHS Racquet Club | Ms. Cintas | @cvhsrac |
CVHS Young Entrepreneur and Business Club | Ms. Kubba | @cvhsyou |
Cybersecurity Club | Ms. Wilbur | @cybersecc |
Dear Asian Youth @CVHS | Mrs. Brincks | @daycvhs |
Developer Projects | Ms. Wilbur | @devproject |
Dungeons and Dragons Club | Mr. Dubois | @dndclub24 |
Eco Friends: CVHS Ecology Club | Mrs. Johnson | @cvhsecof |
Empower Xchange | Ms. Guilkey | @capoexc |
Escape Magazine | Ron Miller | @cvhsesc |
Eureka! | Jarrett Tossey | @cvhseureka |
Fashion Club | Sra. Mack | |
Fellowship of Christian Athletes | Mr. Sorrell | @f7bd4hc |
Fishing Club | Ms. Miller | @cvfish |
Focus on Campus | Ms. Pohle | @focusoncam |
From Bags to Belongings | Sra. Mack | @frombag |
Future Business Leaders of Capo | Ms. Fleener | @cvfblc |
Future Entrepreneuership and Marketing Club | Ms. Fleener | @bee438e |
Girls Who Code | Ms. Kubba | @GWCAPO |
Global Discussions Club | Mr. Miller | @globaldisc |
Greek Culture Club | Ms. Herbert | @greekcult |
Green Dreams | Ms. Wilbur | @greendream |
GSA(Genders & Sexualities Alliance | Ms. Sprankle | @4d2b4g6 |
Historical Political Science | Mr. Clark | @g46hcg2 |
Homes for Humanity | Ms. Fackler | @cvhshoh |
HOSA(Health Occupations Students of America) | Mrs. Geha | @capohosa24 |
IB Club | Ms. Kubba | @ibcapo |
Invest Smart | Mr. Lam / Mr. Dollar | @investcvhs |
Japanese Culture Club | Mrs. Lee | @cvjapan24 |
Jewish Student Union | Ms. Fackler | @2h9kgf3 |
Key Club | Ms. Fackler | @cvhskey24 |
Korean Culture Club | Ms. Khayat | @cvhskorean |
Mariachi del Valle Capistrano | Mr. Waldukat | @mdvc2324 |
MediClub | Ms. Lamp | @cvhsmedic |
Mental Health Awareness Club | Mrs. Carlisle | @cvhsmhac |
Middle Eastern Club | Ms. Kubba | @d7kf6c |
Miracles for Kids | Ms. Cintas | @7k7baf |
MSA(Muslim Student Association) | Ms. Kubba | @capomsa24 |
Musical Mentors | Andy Waldukat | @cvhsmm24 |
N.A.M.I. (National Alliance on Mental Illness) | Mr. Manzotti | @cvhsnami23 |
National Chinese Honor Society | Ms. Komine | @cvnch |
National Honor Society | Sra. Miller | |
OC Science | Ms. Lamp | @ocsci2 |
Ocean Exploration Club | Ms. Johnson | @cvhsoce |
Peer Volunteer | Ms. Guilkey | @peervol |
Persian Culture Club | Ms. Mack | @cvhspers |
Personal Improvement Club | Ms. Ghulam | @7gcc72h |
Photography Club | McElfish | @cvhsphoto1 |
Psychology Club | Mr. Justice | @cvpsych24 |
Puzzle Cube Club | Mr. Nguyen | @cvcub |
Recreational Sports and Activities Club | Mr. Nguyen | @cvhsrsa |
Rhythm Game Club | Mr. Nguyen | @rhythm2324 |
Ronald McDonald House Outreach | Ms. Stratton | @2f3adf |
Running for Fun | Ms. Lee | @6848af7h |
Science of Minds | Mr. Benedix | @cdah647 |
Science Olympiad | Huy Nguyen | @cvsciolyy |
Senior Citizen Tech Service Club | Ms. Kubba | @cvhssthc |
Soldiers Angels | Ms. Miller | @cvhssol |
Spanish Club | Sra. Mack | @ek6c9k |
Spanish Dual Immersion Club | Sra. Sweeney | @twisclub |
Sports Debate | Mr. Justice | @sportsdeb8 |
STEAM Associates | Ms. Shinavar | @cvhssteam |
Steam for All | Ms. Kubba | @sfa-cvhs |
Stop Drowning Now | OJ Vazquez | @stopdrown |
Strength in Numbers | Mr. Manzotti | @ge8f8f |
Support Andes Children (SAC) | Mr. Jauregui | @khecga8 |
Support the Seniors Club | Mr. Justice | @cvhssupts |
SurfRider Foundation Club | Ms. Johnson | @surfridercvhs23-24 |
Taylor Swift Club | Ms. Ghulam | @taylorclub |
Team NEGU | Ms. Ghulam | @cvnegu |
The Art of Law and Debate | Mr. Beall | @cvhslaw |
The Fiction Addiction Club | Ms. Guilkey | @readbook24 |
The Noble Path Foundation | Ms. Cintas | @cvnpf |
The Road to STEM | Ms. Harrington | @r2stem |
Theatre Arts | Ms. Tucker | @42297f |
Trading Card Games Club | Mr. Nguyen | @cvhstc |
Trinkets, Do-dads, and Thingamabobs | Ms. Guilkey | @boingos |
True North Christian Club | Mr. Grabowski | @cbctn |
Uplift Yoga | Mr. Sorrell | @cvhsup |
Valor for Veterans | Ms. Carlisle | @cvhsypc |
Video Game Development Club | Mr. Baker | @cvvid |
Vocal Arts Club | Ms. Girard | @vocalartsc |
Young Philosophers Club | Ms. Carlisle | @cvhsvet23 |